Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

November 25, 2024

McKalla Station receives Award of Excellence, Safety for ENR Texas and Louisiana Best Projects

We are thrilled to announce that the McKalla Station project received an Award of Excellence, Safety and Award of Merit, for the Texas and Louisiana Best Projects 2024. This CapMetro project involved constructing a new station to provide Austin residents with convenient access to the Q2 Stadium, home of the MLS team Austin FC.

One of the projects’ greatest safety challenges was working adjacent to a live commuter rail line, with trains traveling through the work zone at speeds up to 60 mph. Many team members and subcontractors had limited to no prior experience working in such an environment, making clear communication and planning essential.

Thanks to the team’s commitment to safety and proactive measures, the project was completed with zero recordable incidents and no lost-time accidents.