Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

Stacy Witbeck was the managing joint venture partner on this $125 million design-build project to construct four miles of embedded track in downtown Salt Lake City. The project was constructed in the middle of the busiest street in Salt Lake City, linking the largest traffic generators in the city - the University of Utah and downtown. Scope included extensive utility relocations, four stations, street and sidewalk reconstruction, special trackwork, overhead catenary system, traction power, and traffic signals. In addition to minimizing disruption during construction to the more than 43,000 students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the university campus every day, the project team had to maintain ambulance and emergency access to the University Hospital, Primary Children’s Medical Center, Huntsman Cancer Institute, and Moran Eye Center. We completed the project in time for the 2002 Winter Olympics, a feat many in the industry said was impossible without significant disruption to the local community; we were awarded 100% of the incentive fee for going “above and beyond” - an award allocated by the community!

Quick Facts


Salt Lake City, UT

Project Type

Light Rail

Delivery Method


Date Completed


Project Owner

Utah Transit Authority




"This retrofit was a complicated and safety-critical undertaking. On behalf of Sound Transit, please pass on our thanks and appreciation to the entire Stacy Witbeck team. Well done!"

Principal Construction Manager, Sound Transit