Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

This was a $14 million project to construct San Francisco’s F-Market Street historic streetcar line. Despite one of the rainiest winters in history, we completed the project in less than 10 months – 8 months earlier than scheduled! The project ran directly through the tourist destination of Fisherman’s Wharf, which sees 10 million visitors annually. 

Stacy Witbeck implemented careful measures to keep businesses vibrant and tourists safe, including the first use of “storefront” barricades, weekly meetings with merchants, and strict traffic and pedestrian control planning.

Quick Facts


San Francisco, CA

Project Type


Delivery Method


Date Completed


Project Owner

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency




"Thanks to Stacy Witbeck's vision, their crews became "Ambassadors of Goodwill" for Fisherman's Wharf, and our project became a tourist attraction. The business community of Fisherman's Wharf appreciates Stacy Witbeck's exceptional contribution to the preservation and improvement of the area and its historic tradition."

Executive, Fisherman’s Wharf Association