Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

This project is a 6.7-mile light rail transit (LRT) along Van Nuys Boulevard from the Metro Orange Line to San Fernando Road. The project includes a maintenance and storage facility, located near the Van Nuys/Metrolink Station in an area currently occupied by industrial and commercial use buildings. The route will be a street running in the middle of Van Nuys Blvd, connecting riders with the G Line BRT route, and has 11 proposed stations and traction power substations with extensive utilities relocation and installation. Construction is being performed in the middle of a complex urban environment, requiring proactive communication with key stakeholders at every phase.

By introducing improved connections between key transit hubs Metro will enhance transit accessibility and connectivity to local and regional destinations and activity centers; as well as increase the system's efficiency. As L.A. is known for consistent congestion problems, encouraging a shift from driving can help alleviate this issue and achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The project is forecasted to open in 2028.

Quick Facts


Los Angeles, CA

Project Type

Light Rail

Delivery Method


Date Completed


Project Owner

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Subsidiary Involvement

Modern Railway Systems



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